Hear Barbara Walters interview Audrey Hepburn
Sirius satellite radio will launch a new weekly radio show titled "Barbara Walters' Best of the Very Best," and for the first installment, an interview with Audrey Hepburn will be featured! The first week's episode is about leading ladies, and besides Audrey, actress Diane Keaton and Sophia Loren (a real-life friend of Audrey's) will also be featured. In Audrey's interview, she confesses to falling a little in love with all of her leading men, and hopes that out of all her film roles, she would be remembered for Roman Holiday. The first episode will air Monday, January 22 from 6-7 pm EST on channel 102. For more information, go here.
Next up, a 13 year-old leukemia survivor got an Audrey-style makeover to celebrate the remission. I know it's not terribly Audrey related, especially when you read the story, but it struck a chord with me and I really wanted to share the story. The girl's name is Krystal, and she had her teacher along with her for the makeover, and student and teacher ended up getting matching pixie haircuts! It's a really sweet story, and I recommend reading it, if just to add a little balance to your day. To read the whole story, go here.
Last for today, I mentioned Katie Couric's Breakfast at Tiffany's themed birthday a few days ago, but it seems that her celebration is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. From the invitations, which featured a drawing of Katie as Audrey Hepburn, to the shindig being held at Tiffany's, people say that she's acting inappropriately. They even go so far as to compare her to Marie Antionette, which is just strange. To read more, go here.
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