50th Anniversary edition of Funny Face coming soon!
Great news from loyal reader Bill! The release of a 50th anniversary special edition of Funny Face (Region 1) has been announced, with a release date of October 2nd. This new DVD will feature a few items already seen on the original DVD -- the Paramount in the 1950s featurette, original theatrical trailer, and photo galleries -- plus a few new featurettes, including a cryptically named Parisian Dreams and a new piece on Givenchy and Audrey called A Fashion Designer and His Muse. You can already pre-order
through Amazon so you'll be sure not to forget, and it's close enough to the holidays so you can put it on your wish list without having to wait too long. Mark your calendars!Speaking of Givenchy, I came across this story recently. Apparently, the fashion guru is of the personal belief that fashion in and of itself is dead. People seem to only be fixating on popular accessories and following mindless fads, rather than spending the time (and money) to actually find what works on you as an individual and look good. It's a great read, though fairly short, and I agree with him on all accounts. If I could afford it, he could dress me every day of the week. :)
sweet, i got a shout out! now only if they would release Green Mansions to dvd. I always miss it when it's on tv :/
oh btw, if i have another story, should i just email it to webmaster@fabaudrey.com?
Credit where credit is due! :) You can email me or post a comment, but I'm more likely to catch it by email.
You're right, I always miss Green Mansions, too. The only time I ever saw it was when I was lucky enough to find a video tape to rent.
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