the ultimate Mother's Day gifts
I just got a little catalogue in the mail from UNICEF, and it's encouraging their members to buy one of their Inspired Gifts for your mum this Mother's Day (May 11th). I think it's actually a very sweet idea, seeing that the holiday is just a made up Hallmark holiday anyway, and could you give the woman who gave you life* anything better than the chance to touch other childrens lives? The gifts in the catalogue range from an insanely affordable treated mosquito net to save children from insects and disease ($15), to a motorcycle used to speed medicine to unreachable people ($1,980)! Don't worry, there's plenty in between, I just wanted to highlight the price range to show that practically anyone can afford these gifts. Buy it in your mum's name and she has just saved a life. Isn't that fantastic? I think Audrey would have loved to have gotten that sort of gift. :)If you're interested in doing this as a gift for someone, or because you're flush with a tax return and would like to do something good with your extra cash, you can browse the shop yourself here, or call 1-800-4UNICEF.*or who raised you and made you the person you are, which is just as important!
that's very sweet! I'll definitely consider that for my mother. she'd really appreciate it.
Charade came on cable last night and I watched it for the first time. a new favorite!
What a MARVELOUS idea! My mother will definetely appreciate it! Thanks for the update!
Thank you very much for the tip: I love the idea of do something else besides spend money!!
Have a great week
I Had this blog on my links!!!
We loved Audrey!
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