showing your inner Audrey: part two
The costume contest is closed now, and we had so many fab entries! Even though all of these lovely ladies were channeling Audrey Hepburn, they each managed to have their own style as well and be completely unique about it. To give each of these ladies some room to shine I'm going to break up the last of the entries (the ones okay with sharing their pictures, anyway) into two groups. And so, without further ado, is part two of your Audrey style:
First up is the lovely Kasey, who says that her dress was an Isaac Mizrahi (who is very influenced by Audrey's style, obviously!), her shoes were Cole Haan, the lovely triple-strand pearls were from Macy's, the gloves from Claire's (a great place for gloves, by the way), Tiaratown for the Holly Golightly tiara replica, and her cigarette holder came from a flapper website. With a little bit of shopping around and craftiness, she was able to make her own Audrey style. Bellissima!
Next is the fab Taylor W., who went all out with pearl earrings, a rope of pearls and some wrist candy -- oh, and of course the Tiffany & Co. bag. Nice touch! There's no mistaking who she's supposed to be, especially with the oversized movie star shades and ciggie holder. The lady to Taylor's left is obviously thinking, "Oh my god, that's Audrey Hepburn!" Nicely done, Taylor! By far the classiest lady in the room that night.
Here is Shawn, who's done a fantastic job recreating Audrey's iconic Breakfast at Tiffany's pose -- the one where Holly is actually having breakfast at Tiffany's. I love the beautiful alternative to the usual tiara, it reminds me a little bit of My Fair Lady for some reason. The sweet little black dress, pearls, and gold cigarette holder all definitely say "I'm Holly Golightly," though. Well done, Shawn! I hope you framed this picture.
The last lady for today, but certainly not the least, is Taylor K. The "I'm with Holly" pose is classic, I love it! Add a swingin' little black dress, some glamorous glasses and a ciggie, and you are Holly. The best part is the trick-or-treat for UNICEF box, which shows that Taylor's heart is mirroring Audrey's. An elegant touch!I want to say thank you again to all of you fabulous women, for taking the time to show your love for Audrey by sharing your fantastic pictures. We'll have one more installment of costume pictures, and then the prize winners will be drawn from a hat and announced. But at the risk of sounding cheesy, all of you who entered the contest are fabulous and winners for showing your inner beauty to us. Thank you!
i loved the first outfit the most ^_^
loving the first and second ones!
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