Thursday, October 19, 2006

What ever happened to class?

Well, now that Lotta and Carl have won the first contest, the news has slowed to a crawl (though if Carl doesn't claim his prize soon, I might redraw for it!). I guess the Gap commercials being over has really dried up the flow for a while . . . until the dress goes on auction and more books come out. But I have found one article that hasn't been rehashed a million times that is a pretty good read. It talks about the lame excuse for role models in American society today and how their complete ignorance of fashion (and even of dressing themselves) is reflecting on young girls and young women and making us into a nation of tarts. Here's my favourite line:
What ever happened to the era of chic, the era of Audrey Hepburn, when women acted and dressed like ladies? Many women prattle on and on about how the sexual revolution liberated them -- and yet they still feel compelled to attract male attention by dressing badly. That's slavery, not liberation.
You can read the whole article here, and even if these sorts of articles aren't your cup of tea, please take the last sentence of the article to heart. It seems to have been forgotten lately in society.

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